
  1. 1. fun to build with the snow
  2. 3. when rain freezes
  3. 6. we wear this to keep warm from the cold
  4. 8. we use this to dig snow
  5. 10. where polar bears live
  6. 12. we wear these on our hands
  1. 1. fun to throw at each other
  2. 2. we drink this with marshmallows
  3. 3. we slide down the snowy mountain with this
  4. 4. a bird that waddles in the ice
  5. 5. when there's a lot of snow and wind
  6. 7. the bears do this during the winter
  7. 8. we wear this around our neck to keep it warm
  8. 9. The season when it's cold
  9. 11. we wear these to keep our feet warm