
  1. 2. partially melted snow
  2. 5. the coldest season of the year
  3. 7. frozen or partly frozen rain
  4. 8. having a low or inadequate temperature
  5. 9. water frozen in the solid state
  6. 11. having leaves that stay green through more than one growing season
  7. 14. a long light sled made without runners and curved up at the front
  8. 15. a figure of a person made of packed snow
  1. 1. a long heavy snowstorm
  2. 3. a sudden violent wind often with rain or snow
  3. 4. a hanging piece of ice formed from dripping water as it freezes
  4. 6. an instrument for measuring temperature
  5. 10. the withdrawal of heat to change something from a liquid to a solid
  6. 12. a crystal of snow
  7. 13. precipitation falling from clouds in the form of ice crystals