
  1. 1. Do you prefer to downhill or cross-country ___?
  2. 3. Whose shadow will determine the length of Winter or time til Spring on February 2
  3. 7. Tool for removing snow
  4. 8. The best part of February is School ______
  5. 9. What is found in the pot at the end of the Rainbow
  6. 10. When you're cold this kind of chocoate is best
  7. 12. Sharp shoes used on ice
  8. 13. Mardi _____ is also known as "Fat Tuesday"
  1. 1. What we miss with a Snow Day
  2. 2. Whom do we honor this year on Februrary 19
  3. 4. What color is lucky to wear on St Patrick's Day
  4. 5. We give cards and _____ to our Friends on Valentine's Day
  5. 6. March comes in like a Lion and out like a _______
  6. 11. Symbol of Love