
  1. 3. - A vehicle used for traveling over snow, often pulled by horses or reindeer.
  2. 6. - A warm covering, often used to snuggle up on cold winter nights.
  3. 7. - A place in the home where a fire is lit to provide warmth.
  4. 8. - A type of deer often associated with pulling Santa's sleigh.
  5. 10. - A hanging piece of ice formed by dripping water freezing.
  6. 13. - Warm hand coverings with a separate section for the thumb.
  7. 15. - A figure made of snow, often with a carrot nose and coal eyes.
  8. 17. - A flightless bird that lives in cold climates, especially in Antarctica.
  9. 18. - A ball made of snow, often used in playful fights.
  10. 19. - The shortest day of the year, marking the official start of winter.
  11. 20. - The way snow or ice shines when it reflects light.
  12. 21. - A long piece of cloth worn around the neck for warmth.
  13. 22. - A sport where you glide over snow on long, narrow boards.
  1. 1. - A thin layer of ice crystals that forms on cold surfaces.
  2. 2. - A severe snowstorm with strong winds and low visibility.
  3. 4. - What some animals do in winter to stay warm and conserve energy.
  4. 5. - A word used to describe weather that is cold and brisk.
  5. 9. - A structure on a roof that allows smoke from a fireplace to escape.
  6. 11. - A warm, chocolatey drink often enjoyed in the winter.
  7. 12. - A unique ice crystal that falls from the sky.
  8. 14. - Sliding down a snowy hill on a sled for fun.
  9. 15. - The body's response to cold, causing you to shake.
  10. 16. - A piece of clothing worn over your clothes to keep you warm.
  11. 23. - A dome-shaped house made of blocks of snow, traditionally built by Inuit people.