
  1. 1. very cold
  2. 5. keeps your head warm
  3. 7. people kiss under this as a tradition
  4. 9. house made of ice
  5. 10. around trees, houses, anywhere
  6. 13. Christmas day
  7. 15. keeps you warm
  8. 16. keeps hands cozy
  9. 17. a drink that is hot and good
  10. 18. on top of the Christmas tree
  11. 19. the second month
  12. 20. the first month
  1. 2. something you can make with cookie
  2. 3. to move snow
  3. 4. Spanish for Christmas
  4. 6. ice that is really cold
  5. 8. Santa's helpers
  6. 11. snow falling off a mountain
  7. 12. sport played on ice
  8. 14. has a shiny red nose
  9. 18. you can ride and have fun on