
  1. 2. a light weight of vehicle or sliding downhill in snow
  2. 7. a sweet food made of syrup or sugar such as chocolate
  3. 9. Breaks or day of festivity or recreation when no work to do
  4. 10. a flake of snow
  5. 12. a place for a domestic fire
  6. 13. ice formed by the freezing of dripping water
  7. 15. a season of cold
  8. 17. of the sky or weather
  9. 18. low temperature
  10. 19. a man who made of snow
  1. 1. cheerful or lively
  2. 3. a ball packed with snow
  3. 4. frozen water
  4. 5. cake made with molasses and flavored with ginger
  5. 6. you wear on head so cold don't bother you
  6. 8. the process or art of decorating
  7. 11. the twelfth month of year
  8. 14. a drink for winter
  9. 16. a house made out of ice.