
  1. 3. to keep uper part of your body warm
  2. 4. happends only in winter
  3. 5. to keep ears warm
  4. 8. to keep legs warm
  5. 9. when your cold you use to sleep
  6. 11. very cold
  7. 12. to keep toes warm
  8. 15. to keep head warm
  9. 17. what the heater keeps from making you ____
  10. 18. goes over your shirt
  11. 19. only happens one time a year
  1. 1. when it gets hot the icily ____
  2. 2. use outside to keep hands warm
  3. 3. you make in the snow
  4. 6. it means below zero
  5. 7. you wear in the house to keep your feet warm
  6. 10. were penguins live
  7. 13. you use in the snow
  8. 14. to keep house warm
  9. 16. chocolate something you drink with marshmallows