Winter Blues

  1. 2. healthy activity that helps winter blues
  2. 7. prioritize ___ (eg., sleep, food, shower, treating yourself)
  3. 8. someone you can talk to confidentially
  4. 9. natural source of light and Vitamin D
  5. 10. eating ___ (healthy and nourishing) food
  6. 12. loss of ___ in activities you usually enjoy
  7. 13. excessive worry and unease
  8. 14. take a break, spend time with ____ and friends
  1. 1. stay well-watered
  2. 3. changes in ___;hunger or desire for food
  3. 4. persistent low mood disorder
  4. 5. tiredness, low energy and enthusiasm
  5. 6. another word for cranky
  6. 9. nap and slumber
  7. 11. solitude: social ____