Winter Break Vocabulary

  1. 1. Allows different branches of government to make sure another branch does not abuse its power.
  2. 3. A figure that handles the everyday tasks of running policymaking and other responsibilities of the government.
  3. 12. A system of government where the people "have a say in government," but there are restrictions on these civil liberties.
  4. 15. A figure that symbolizes a regime nationally and internationally.
  5. 16. a nationwide vote where the public directly votes on a policy.
  6. 17. A system where citizens vote for a party rather than a candidate. The percentage of votes received by a party determines their seats in the legislature.
  7. 18. A system of government where the people do not have direct control over government decisions, but are rather represented in decisions.
  8. 19. A system of government that concentrates all the policy making power in the central government.
  9. 20. How open a government is in its operations, evaluated based on government response to citizens and openness. This is often high in a democratic regime compared to an authoritarian regime.
  1. 2. Lessening the control and power of the State over private property, production, and consumption. Further allowing for private enterprises.
  2. 4. A group of people unified by common history, background, and identity.
  3. 5. The conglomeration of agencies that implement government policy.
  4. 6. How people are educated about and are influenced about matters of politics.
  5. 7. A group that connects the government to its citizens. For example, a political party or an interest group.
  6. 8. An economy where the government has control of all enterprises and assets. It controls production and consumption.
  7. 9. A nation that rules by this guarantees equal treatment and due process under the law to all citizens.
  8. 10. A number that measures the economic inequality and disparity in society.
  9. 11. A system of government where decisions are made without input from citizens and all aspects are rigidly controlled by the political elite. The leaders have no constitutional obligation to the citizens, and the citizens are not guaranteed their civil liberties.
  10. 13. The citizens have direct control over government decisions. Essentially, the people make the decisions.
  11. 14. A system of government where the power is divided between the central government and the subunits. Specific powers are typically delegated to these subunits.