Winter Breakfast 12.10.15

  1. 1. English day when servants and tradesmen would receive gifts "Christmas Box" from bosses or employers
  2. 3. fisherman of Bethsaida, brother of Simon Peter
  3. 5. Italian Good Witch who delivers gifts on Jan. 6 (followed wisemen, but got lost!)
  4. 7. traditional Polish, Slovenian holiday cookie
  5. 9. shortest day of the year
  6. 12. German fruitcake believed traceable to the year 1391
  7. 13. "one who speaks on behalf of another"
  8. 15. from Latin meaning coming or herald
  9. 16. Irish custom of welcome of Mary and Joseph; safe place for priests to perform Mass during suppression of religion
  10. 17. father of King David; early ancestor of Jesus
  1. 1. Jorge Mario-ordained a Jesuit in 1969 (Pope Francis)
  2. 2. 8 day Jewish holiday-rededication of Temple
  3. 3. brings sweets, small gifts to boots of "good" German children
  4. 4. vision of Our Lady of Guadalupe in 1531
  5. 6. First Christian martyr commemorated on Dec. 26th
  6. 8. Scandinavian Festival of Light (cookies,rolls, song)
  7. 10. Christ Child in German
  8. 11. sweaters based on aunties, grannies, relatives gifting "hideous" sweaters as presents (Ireland)
  9. 14. flour and water wafer Christmas custom of Polish tradition