Winter Crossword

  1. 3. 2H, open 5, palm in- “pull” chest, palm out- wiggle fingers and drag down hands
  2. 4. 1H, C HS, palm out - twist in, in front of body
  3. 6. 1H, A HS, palm to side- rub thumb over index finger
  4. 8. 2H, C HS, palm in- hold hand in front of lips then twist out, palm out- circle C hand on top of ND
  5. 9. 1h,C HS, palm to side- hand down and bring up to mouth
  1. 1. 2H, open 5, palm in- slide D over ND, S HS, circle D above & under ND and land on top of ND
  2. 2. 2H, open 5, palm out- wiggle fingers and drag down hands, palm to side- tap thumb on forehead then chest
  3. 5. 2H, A HS, palm in- from above shoulders bring lower down chest
  4. 6. 2H, ND- closed 5, palm up. D- bent 5, palm down, touch ND palm while twisting to side
  5. 7. 2H, S HS, palm to side- hands up to chest, shake