Winter Crossword

  1. 4. Some US states use eco-friendly alternatives to salt on the roads, what cheese making state of Wisconsin use?
  2. 12. Which star sign runs from 22nd Nov to 21st Dec?
  3. 13. Which one the following wrote A Winter's Tale: Hemingway, Shakespeare, Wilde?
  4. 15. Which alternative name do we give New Year's Eve in Scotland?
  5. 17. Which country celebrates Christmas Day by enjoying a KFC?
  6. 18. True or False: The Earth is closer to the sun in winter than in summer.
  7. 19. Snowflakes have how many sides/arms?
  1. 1. Red squirrels hang what type of food out to dry between tree branches so it keeps over winter?
  2. 2. Where were the first winter Olympics held?
  3. 3. Which TV programme from 1996 has the highest ever Christmas viewing figures, at 24.45 million viewers?
  4. 5. Which star of Casablanca was born on Christmas Day in 1899?
  5. 6. What is the name given to a bad winter snow storm?
  6. 7. Which type of tree drops leaves/needles in winter?
  7. 8. Which Scottish female vocalist was born in Aberdeen on Christmas Day 1954?
  8. 9. Charles _______ is credited with creating the first mechanical computer, the"Difference Engine."
  9. 10. What type of duck found in the UK does not migrate in winter?
  10. 11. Which fruit has a variety called "Winter Banana"?
  11. 14. "Now is the winter of our discontent" is the first line of which Shakespeare play?
  12. 16. In The Wizard of Oz, the fake snow was made from which hazardous material?