Winter Crossword

  1. 2. This is something that is white, cold, and falls from the sky. This weather doesn’t usually happen in Hasami.
  2. 3. Something you wear to stay warm in the winter. You wear it over your shirt.
  3. 4. A holiday on December 25th.
  4. 8. Something we give to someone on Christmas. It’s also called a “gift.”
  5. 9. He is a big man who wears red clothes. He also gives gifts to children all around the world.
  1. 1. At this temperature, water becomes ice. (Hint: it's a number!)
  2. 2. This is a decoration you can put on top of a Christmas tree.
  3. 5. A popular Christmas decoration. It’s large and green. You can put decorations and illuminations on it.
  4. 6. A sport you can play in the winter.
  5. 7. The second month of the year.