  1. 1. Used to cut wood
  2. 4. Cold, white and fluffy
  3. 6. Fun game using wooden blocks
  4. 8. Valentine's Day celebrates this
  5. 10. Winter sport
  6. 11. Where Ms. Wolfe spends her time
  7. 12. What the Great Salt Lake needs more of
  8. 16. Individual sport that takes place on a mat
  9. 17. Useful tool in after a snowstorm
  10. 18. What corn grows on
  11. 19. Dogs like to chase them
  12. 20. What you use to ride on water, snow, or pavement
  1. 2. Popular Netflix series teenager
  2. 3. January 16th
  3. 5. Famous abstract/surrealist artist
  4. 6. Utah's basketball team or a dance/music style
  5. 7. Good's antonym
  6. 9. A 4-leaf one brings you luck
  7. 13. Decision to change as of January 1st
  8. 14. What trucks do to roads after a snowstorm
  9. 15. The author of "The Raven"