Winter Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. placed emphasis on color over realism
  2. 7. influenced by Sigmund Freud
  3. 8. characterized by playful and pleasant themes and ornate architecture
  4. 11. technique developed by Georges Seurat and Paul Signac
  5. 12. the movement that allowed NYC to surpass Paris as a Western arts center
  6. 14. often painted en pleine air using dirty brushes
  7. 15. art movement that used simple forms and colors for the sake of spiritual purity
  1. 2. landscape paintings that instilled the viewer with a sense of awe and fear of nature
  2. 3. Dutch avante-garde response to WWI
  3. 4. called to burn libraries and flood museums
  4. 5. art movement that embraced absurdity
  5. 6. created abstract paintings which seemed fragmented
  6. 9. still life paintings infused with symbolism meant to encourage the viewer to live life for the sake of the after life
  7. 10. characterized by neutrality, geometry, and repetition
  8. 13. art that utilizes images and ideas from mass culture