Winter Crossword

  1. 3. a type of living creatures which has 18 different species, 13 which have declining population and 5 which are almost extinct
  2. 6. an event in which people compete for supremacy in two subjects
  3. 9. a chocolate powder made from roasted and ground cacao seeds mixed with hot water
  4. 10. cake made with molasses and flavored with a hot fragrant spice made from the rhizome of a plant
  5. 13. a part of clothing used to keep the four slender jointed parts attached to either hand at a comfortably high temperature
  6. 14. the month that has Kwanzaa
  1. 1. a dome-shaped shelter made of frozen liquid
  2. 2. a ball of compressed atmospheric water vapor frozen into ice crystals
  3. 4. a form of Nordic skiing in which the skier descends off a ramp
  4. 5. a place in shelter to keep oxygen mixed with free radicals
  5. 7. the man who originally disigned the snowboard
  6. 8. a mechanically steered and braked sled used for racing down a steep ice-covered run with banked curves
  7. 9. the state of inactivity and metabolic depression in endotherms
  8. 11. the action of using a blade to move on a frozen form of the material which takes up 71 percent of the earth and 57.5 of the human body
  9. 12. an accesory created in 1873 to protect peoples organ of hearing and balance