Winter Crossword

  1. 3. Long, warm shoes.
  2. 9. A sport that you can do on ice. you wear skates for it.
  3. 11. The coldest season of the year.
  4. 13. Something you put around your neck to keep warm.
  5. 14. Frozen water.
  6. 15. January 1st. The start of the year.
  7. 16. People having a snowball fight usually make these for cover.
  8. 17. A warm drink made of cocoa in milk or water. May has marshmallows.
  9. 19. A sport where you skate on ice and hit a round rubber disc with a stick.
  10. 20. Patterns that snow crystals form when falling to earth. It is almost impossible to find ones that are identical.
  11. 22. These animals supposedly pull Santa's sleigh. They are like deer.
  12. 23. A wide object shaped like a net that lets you walk on snow without sinking too much.
  13. 24. Cookies that are brown coloured and flavoured with ginger.
  14. 30. Snow shaped into a ball used usually for throwing.
  15. 33. This type of ice sometimes forms on the ground overnight.
  16. 34. This month normally has 28 days, but 29 every 4 years. Valentines day is in this month.
  17. 35. A carriage that is usually pulled by some sort of animal. Santa is said to ride one.
  1. 1. A piece of ice that is long and needle shaped. You can find these hanging off roofs and branches.
  2. 2. A flat board that you lie on to slide down hills.
  3. 4. Something you can make by lying in the snow and waving your arms and legs.
  4. 5. a sport where you attach two things onto your feet to slide down hills.
  5. 6. things you wear on your hands to keep them warm.
  6. 7. A holiday that is usually in Winter. It has lots of gift giving.
  7. 8. Ice that falls from the sky.
  8. 9. Freezing rain.
  9. 10. This is frozen water that falls from the sky. People use it to make forts and balls.
  10. 12. This starts when your body temperature reaches several degrees under the normal temperature.
  11. 18. Something you wear to keep your head warm.
  12. 21. This happens when your cells freeze. Severe cases can cause loss of limbs.
  13. 25. A piece of clothing that covers your ears and makes them warm.
  14. 26. A beverage made with dairy that is sweetened. Traditionally drank near Christmas.
  15. 27. The month Christmas and the winter solstice is in.
  16. 28. Frosty the _______.
  17. 29. A severe winter storm.
  18. 31. The month where New Years is in.
  19. 32. This disease is commonly thought to be linked with winter. Symptoms are fever, sore throat,sneezing, runny nose, etc.