Winter Exam Review

  1. 4. What principle is established in the beginning of the preamble, "We the People..."
  2. 5. the Founding Father who wrote the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and some of the Federalist Papers
  3. 6. What part of the government holds the "power of the purse," the ability to raise taxes and write spending bills?
  4. 8. Which clause in the Constitution says that the Constitution overrides all state and federal laws.
  5. 9. Which amendment, along with the 4th amendment, helps establish the idea of privacy in one's home?
  6. 10. Which amendment was covered in the case Mapp vs. Ohio
  7. 11. Which amendment prevents the president from serving more than two terms
  8. 15. Which amendment is known as the state's rights amendment?
  9. 16. Which amendment was expanded during the case, Texas vs. Johnson
  10. 17. God-given rights that cannot be taken away including life, liberty, and property
  11. 18. Which amendment was covered in the case McDonald vs. Chicago
  12. 20. The system of shared government between the states and federal government
  13. 22. Which article covers the Executive Branch?
  14. 26. Which group opposed the inclusion of the Supremacy Clause and the Necessary and Proper Clause to the Constitution?
  1. 1. Who breaks a tie in the U.S. Senate (the president of the senate)?
  2. 2. What was the name of the compromise which helped establish the form of the legislative branch we have today.
  3. 3. What constitutional principle was Hamilton writing about when he said that "ambition must be made to counter ambition?"
  4. 7. Which amendment incorporates the bill of rights to the states?
  5. 11. Which amendment was the only amendment to reverse a previous amendment?
  6. 12. According the Article VII (7), how many states are required to ratify the Constitution?
  7. 13. According to the Constitution, who has the power to declare war?
  8. 14. Which article covers the Full Faith and Credit Clause?
  9. 16. Which article explains how to amend or change the Constitution?
  10. 17. Which amendment is considered the "safety net" of citizen's rights?
  11. 19. Which article talks about how to ratify the Constitution?
  12. 21. Which amendment has been used as an argument against the death penalty?
  13. 23. Which article covers the Legislative Branch?
  14. 24. Which article covers the Judicial Branch?
  15. 25. Which article has the Supremacy Clause stated in it?