Winter Formal

  1. 1. Bite and work food in mouth with the teeth to make easier to swallow
  2. 4. The points on a fork
  3. 5. Release of air from the lungs through the mouth
  4. 7. Food placed in an area so people can serve themselves
  5. 10. Occasion when food is eaten
  6. 11. Wear clothes that are inappropriate
  7. 13. Flat vessel used to hold food
  8. 14. Take liquid into the mouth and swallow
  1. 2. Clean with water and soap
  2. 3. Have manners
  3. 6. Causes sickness
  4. 8. Fancy and classy event
  5. 9. Put food into the mouth, chew and swallow
  6. 12. Piece of cloth used to wipe lips and hands