Winter Fun!

  1. 2. - Something you take in the middle of the day to relax
  2. 3. something you wear to keep warm that is often long and thin
  3. 5. You use one of these to clear a pathway through the snow
  4. 8. Feels sticky to your tongue
  5. 9. This teacher travels to New Hampshire over winter break to snowshoe and ski with family members
  6. 13. Find a hill and do this with friends!
  7. 15. A happy event when you get together with family or friends
  8. 16. A type of tree that stays green all year long (does not loose its leaves)
  1. 1. Sometimes put in a warm winter drink
  2. 4. Warm up by the fire with this drink
  3. 6. These keep ten things on your body warm and dry
  4. 7. A weather event that has a lot of snow low temperatures and strong winds
  5. 8. A winter activity that combines two four letter words. One is something that falls and one is something you wear when you go outside
  6. 10. You put two planks on your feet to do this winter activity
  7. 11. You need to wear these during a snowball fight to keep them warm
  8. 12. A type of warm hat that also contains the name of a food
  9. 14. Exists outside in winter and inside all year long