Winter Fun

  1. 1. instead of skiing people often ride one of these that is sort of like surfing
  2. 3. people throw these at each other during the winter
  3. 5. winter shelters that can be built to sleep overnight in
  4. 6. these are used to clear driveways after it snows
  5. 9. this winter sport team has not won a championship since 1967
  6. 11. people wear these for safety when playing hockey
  7. 13. white precipitation that is very cold
  8. 14. a warm beverage that people often put marshmallows in
  9. 16. people wear ugly versions of these in the winter
  10. 18. an injury caused by freezing of the skin and underlying tissues
  11. 21. when there are excessive amounts of snow wind and cold it is this kind of storm
  12. 23. when riding a snowmobile it is a good idea to wear one of these to stay warm
  13. 26. when lots of snow is blowing around it is called this
  1. 2. people wear these on their feet to stay warm in the winter
  2. 3. fake versions of these winter things can be made with paper and scissors
  3. 4. in winter you can catch fish by doing this
  4. 6. wearing blades on your feet and moving around on ice
  5. 7. when it is cold these can hang from the eavestrough of houses
  6. 8. people wear these on their hands to keep them warm
  7. 9. these soft puffy things can be put into hot chocolate
  8. 10. this comes out of your nose when the weather is very cold
  9. 12. a winter sport played on ice with bodychecking
  10. 15. Canadians often wear these to keep their heads warm
  11. 17. a long piece of fabric wrapped around a person's neck to stay warm
  12. 19. the sport of sliding down snow-covered hills on a sled
  13. 20. to walk on snow you can wear these on your feet that look a little like tennis rackets
  14. 22. when a lake freezes over it is covered in this
  15. 23. racing down hills on two wooden planks
  16. 24. this is spread on the roads to keep cars from slipping
  17. 25. when snow and water mix on the roads it makes this