Winter Fun Facts

  1. 2. Four-sided spinning top used to engage in scripture when the Greek-Syrians outlawed Jewish studies.
  2. 6. ____ Frog that freezes in the winter and thaws in the spring.
  3. 8. Month Earth is closest to the sun.
  4. 10. Number of sides of a snowflake.
  5. 12. Hanukkah celebrates freedom from oppression after a band of rebel Jews known as the _____ reclaimed a Jerusalem temple.
  6. 14. City that likely had the first New Years Celebration 4000 years ago.
  7. 15. Educator and activist that created Kwanzaa to empower African Americans.
  8. 19. Eating 12 of which fruit on New Years Eve brings good luck in Spain.
  9. 20. Country thought to have created eggnog.
  10. 22. Number of tons of trash left in Times Square after New Years Eve Celebrations.
  11. 23. When are deep-fried latkes typically eaten.
  12. 27. Pagan holiday Christmas likely derived from.
  13. 28. Christmas plant - be careful of your pets.
  14. 30. Parasitic plant that is associated with kissing.
  15. 31. "First fruits of the harvest"
  16. 32. Country that won the most winter Olympic medals
  1. 1. Country that breaks plates on New Years for good luck.
  2. 3. Tradition of Christmas Trees started with which ancient civilization during their celebration of the winter solstice
  3. 4. Who can we thank for the iconic Santa Claus image today?
  4. 5. Fear of Snow
  5. 7. Origin of Fondue
  6. 9. _______ reindeer keep their antlers through the winter.
  7. 11. Abbreviation of Christmas
  8. 13. State that produces the most Christmas Trees in the U.S.
  9. 16. Holiday Jingle Bells was originally written for.
  10. 17. Hybrid three-bird-roast
  11. 18. Point in the planet's orbit where it is closest to the sun.
  12. 21. Country with the heaviest snowfall ever recorded.
  13. 24. Organism that causes watermelon snow
  14. 25. Religious group that banned Christmas in the 1600s.
  15. 26. Least popular Christmas cookie.
  16. 29. Number of Nights of Hanukkah