Winter Holidays

  1. 7. Traditional drink in Puerto Rican Holiday celebrations.
  2. 8. Plant hung for holiday kisses.
  3. 10. Holiday in Mexico honoring the Virgin Mary.
  4. 11. Jewish holiday with a menorah.
  5. 12. Holiday celebrating the Nativity of Jesus.
  6. 13. Wiccan celebration of the winter solstice.
  7. 14. Seven-day African American cultural celebration.
  1. 1. Festival of Lights in Hindu, Jain, and Sikh traditions.
  2. 2. A symbol of unity in Kwanzaa.
  3. 3. Celebrated on December 26 in the UK.
  4. 4. Muslim holy day observed on Fridays year-round.
  5. 5. Celebration of New Year in Jewish tradition.
  6. 6. Decorative object hung on doors.
  7. 9. Decorative garland, often of silver or gold.