Winter Holidays

  1. 5. this led the three kings to the home of Christ.
  2. 6. from the latin "missa Christi"
  3. 7. smoke goes up, Santa Claus comes down
  4. 9. a type of dessert made from ginger and cinnamon
  5. 12. another name for the three kings / wise men
  6. 14. the base of a chimney.
  1. 1. Santa Claus' mode of transportation.
  2. 2. these decorate a christmas tree
  3. 3. do this at the first moment of the new year for good luck
  4. 4. a saint from Greece with legends of generosity.
  5. 8. they pull Santa Claus' sleigh.
  6. 10. ____________ scene - an artistic representation of the birth of Jesus Christ.
  7. 11. Christmas by another name; similar to "nadal"
  8. 13. means "the day before" or "night before"