Winter Holidays

  1. 1. The first emperor to bound the heritage of the Roman Empire, the Germanic power and the Church.
  2. 6. Agricultural system developed in the High Middle Ages (1000 - 1300).
  3. 7. The lord's estate.
  4. 8. Great Emperor of the East Roman Empire, his wife was Theodora.
  5. 9. Church tax.
  6. 10. Nationality of the tribes/folks that attacked and sacked Rome.
  1. 1. Great capital city of one of the most important empires. It was also a strategic point to control trade.
  2. 2. Invaders from Northern Europe and excellent sailors. Their boats had a particular shape: long, narrow and with dragon heads at the front.
  3. 3. A formal papal declaration that makes someone an outcast of the Church.
  4. 4. Someone who professes Islam.
  5. 5. Social system that organized the status and roles of every person during the Middle Ages.