Winter Holidays

  1. 5. raised part of the Earth's surface were you could go skiing
  2. 6. large vehicle used to transport goods (US : truck)
  3. 7. a railway system under the ground (US : subway)
  4. 8. area of sand near the sea or any body of water
  5. 10. person you speak to when you check in to a hotel
  6. 13. this place has lots of trees
  7. 14. person who travels somewhere for holidays
  8. 15. very dry place, extremely hot in the day but cold at night
  1. 1. currency used by the United Kingdom (symbol : £)
  2. 2. very tall animal that has a long neck
  3. 3. you need it to lock or unlock a door
  4. 4. synonym of "last name"
  5. 6. capital city of England
  6. 9. it is over you
  7. 11. north, ..., west, south
  8. 12. a bird with brightly coloured feathers. Some of them can talk