Winter Holidays

  1. 4. Pink and Green glutinous balls of rice that symbolize reunion
  2. 5. Read with family during the Iranian Shab-e Yalda Festival
  3. 7. One of the principles of Kwanzaa meaning gifts
  4. 9. Number of days of Kwanza
  5. 10. Holds the candles during Hanukkah
  6. 12. Chocolate coins given to children during Hanukkah
  7. 13. A Jewish Holiday also known as "festival of lights"
  8. 15. December celebration of African heritage
  9. 16. The shortest (darkest) day of the year.
  1. 1. Principle of Kwanzaa that means Unity
  2. 2. Used to light the way during Winter Solstice Festival in Vancouver
  3. 3. What we do with crops at the end of the growing season
  4. 6. Number of days of Hanukkah
  5. 8. Worn in the hair of young girls during St Lucia Festival
  6. 10. Mat that all the symbols of Kwanzaa are placed on
  7. 11. Name of chinese festival known as "extremes of winter"
  8. 14. Holds the candles during Kwanzaa