Winter Idioms

  1. 4. A) Can you think of any historical or current events that can be described as having a _______________________? How did the initial action or event lead to a cascade of consequences? B) The __________________________ is often used to describe the amplification of positive actions or behaviors. Can you give an example of how small positive choices can lead to significant and beneficial outcomes in personal or professional growth? C) In contrast, can you think of any negative actions or behaviors that can also have a snowball effect? How can these harmful patterns be recognized and prevented?
  2. 6. A) Have you ever experienced regret or missed opportunities by ________ something _____________? Can you share a personal example and discuss what you learned from that experience? B) The idiom _________________ can also be used metaphorically, referring to actions or emotions that are suppressed or concealed. Why do you think people might choose to __________ certain aspects of themselves or their feelings ____________? Do you suppress emotions or hide parts of your identity when you first meet someone? C) On a first date, should people put certain aspects about themselves on ice or should they reveal everything about themselves from the get-go?
  3. 8. The idiom "________________________" often implies that there is more to a situation than meets the eye. Can you think of a scenario where it is important to dig deeper and look beyond what is initially apparent to fully understand and solve a problem?
  4. 9. A) What are some examples of circumstances or situations that might cause someone to _____________________, such as major life decisions? B) Brides or grooms sometimes __________________ on their wedding day. Why do you think this is? Do you think this would ever happen to you? C) How does the idiom ___________________ relate to the concept of risk-taking and stepping out of one's comfort zone? D) Do you think ___________________ is a natural response to fear or uncertainty, or is it something that can be avoided with careful planning and preparation?
  5. 10. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you felt like you were _____________________? Did you fall through the ice or did you survive? How did you handle it and what did you learn from the experience?
  6. 11. A) What are some common situations in which people tend to __________________? How do you think this reaction is related to fear or anxiety? B) Have you witnessed someone else ____________________ in a high-pressure situation? How did you react and what impact did it have on your perception of that person?
  7. 12. How do you feel _________________? Do you experience changes in your mood, energy levels, or motivation throughout the year depending on the season/amount of light you're exposed to?
  1. 1. A) "_______________________" is often used as a metaphor for spreading rumors or gossip. Why do you think people engage in such behavior? What are the potential consequences of this? B) Is there ever a situation where ______________________ can actually be productive or necessary? Can you think of any historical or current scenarios where fueling the fire was crucial for bringing about change or justice? C) How does social media play a role in _______________________? Do you think it has made it easier for individuals to fuel conflicts or controversies? How can we use social media in a more constructive way to avoid escalating tensions?
  2. 2. A) Have you ever given or gotten ______________ from someone or experienced someone doing this to someone else? How did it make you feel? What impact do you think it had on your relationship or the relationship between those individuals? B) Is it normal for people in your country to give others ________________? Are there some situations where this is justified? What are some alternatives methods to express your dissatisfaction or disinterest?
  3. 3. Have you ever felt __________________ with responsibilities or tasks? Does this happen often? How did you handle it, and what strategies did you use to keep yourself organized or prioritize your tasks? Do you think society puts to much emphasis on productivity and success?
  4. 5. Have you ever __________________ or witnessed it happen to someone else? What happened?
  5. 7. Are there any cultural or societal factors that contribute to certain groups of people being consistently _____________________? How can we address these systemic issues to create a more inclusive society?