Winter in Band

  1. 2. Two people playing music together
  2. 3. C and G are played with no hands
  3. 8. Connects the mouthpiece to the clarinet
  4. 11. Changes notes without keys or valves
  5. 13. A slightly smaller tuba
  6. 17. The musical alphabet
  7. 18. Trumpets put this on their sticky valves
  8. 19. Slide position to play low C on trombone
  9. 20. Drum stick pattern R L R R
  10. 21. Note worth 4 beats
  11. 23. Connects the mouthpiece to the saxophone
  1. 1. Note worth 1 beat
  2. 4. How we get better at our instruments
  3. 5. Requires the most air to play
  4. 6. Three people playing music together
  5. 7. Quiet
  6. 9. Has 7 parts to put together
  7. 10. The smallest, lowest part of the flute
  8. 12. Percussion instrument that "jingles"
  9. 14. Can't make sound without a reed
  10. 15. Thumb and first finger on the flute
  11. 16. Loud
  12. 22. Note worth 2 beats