Winter in Bronxville

  1. 4. Santa’s other name: Kris _____
  2. 9. Bundle up or you’ll get this medical condition in the cold
  3. 14. Slide stones across ice in this winter sport
  4. 15. Host city of the 2014 Winter Olympics
  5. 17. December 21st: the Winter _____
  6. 18. Number of candles on a Hanukkah Menorah
  1. 1. "Bah! Humbug!"
  2. 2. Blast of arctic air freezing the U.S. in January 2014: the Polar _____
  3. 3. Animal which decides how much longer winter will last on February 2nd
  4. 5. State which experienced the heaviest snowfall in recorded U.S. history
  5. 6. Winter precipitation
  6. 7. “_____ roasting on an open fire”
  7. 8. Students dread these winter exams halfway through the year
  8. 10. Greek goddess of snow and ice
  9. 11. Popular ski resort in Colorado
  10. 12. To benefit the Special Olympics, participants jump in freezing cold bodies of water: the Polar _____
  11. 13. Famous Canadian winter festival takes place in this city
  12. 16. The last name of a famous American speed skater
  13. 19. City where the New Year’s ball drops (abbreviation)