Winter IPQA Puzzle

  1. 3. A plant indigenous to Mexico and Central America is prominent for its red and green colours
  2. 8. This person got a back injury trying to ski for the first time
  3. 9. Roots sweater is their favourite Christmas present and favourite winter sport is snowboarding
  4. 10. Historically known as milk punch. It’s a real hit-or-miss for some people
  5. 13. They got 18 stitches over their eye after falling during ice skating practice
  6. 16. The country started the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree
  7. 17. This person will never try eggnog again and Whistler is his favourite winter travel destination
  8. 18. One of Santa’s reindeer has the same name as another holiday mascot
  9. 21. Another term for the Christmas season
  10. 23. This person loves sleeping like a baby-bear into the mornings during the wintertime
  11. 24. This person’s favourite travel destination is Russia to be able to see the aurora borealis
  12. 25. The alcohol used to ‘spike’ eggnog
  1. 1. One of three gifts the three wise men presented to Jesus after his birth and is often used to fragrance homes during Christmas
  2. 2. Their favourite gift was Legend of Zelda and Mario Kart for Gameboy Colour and GameCube
  3. 4. This person’s favourite winter sport is online gaming
  4. 5. This person likes ice forts more than snow forts (there’s a “difference”) and never believed in Santa
  5. 6. A tasty baked good that’s often shaped into some really cool buildings
  6. 7. This person epically failed to make a jump while skiing (think there wasn’t enough core strength :p)
  7. 11. Maldives is their favourite winter travel destination and prefer cooking at home
  8. 12. Spent half an hour digging themselves out of a snow pit with their snowboard
  9. 14. The first company that used Santa Claus in advertising
  10. 15. A beverage of hot mulled cider and spices drunk traditionally for wassailing—singing to trees in orchards
  11. 19. Everybody’s favourite red-nosed reindeer
  12. 20. This person started their Christmas decorations in October
  13. 22. Their favourite Christmas present was seeing “Phantom of the Opera” in NYC and they love both eggnog and fruit cake