Winter Magazine 2023

  1. 2. What piece of farming equipment is another name for the Ursa Major constellation?
  2. 3. When animals or plants spend winter in a dormant state.
  3. 4. What is the collective name for a group of owls?
  4. 8. Through which process do plants get energy?
  5. 9. The fastest mammal in Britain.
  6. 10. What is a female fox called?
  7. 12. The only bird species to form murmurations.
  1. 1. What species is given on the second day of Christmas?
  2. 5. The mating 'hug' of frogs and toads.
  3. 6. What animal is Beatrix Potter's Tiggy Winkle?
  4. 7. The rise and fall of the sea
  5. 11. Bee, slipper and pyramidal are examples of which wildflower?