winter (non-hoilday)

  1. 4. This winter month marks the start of the new year
  2. 6. The winter _______ is the shortest day of the year
  3. 7. if you're not careful, you'll _____ on ice
  4. 8. a tool you can use to pick up snow
  5. 10. You may want to consider wearing these if there's snow on the ground
  6. 11. This sport can be played on a good frozen pond
  7. 12. People use this to keep there house warm in the winter time
  8. 13. This is how many days there are in December and January
  9. 14. You'll want to wear these to keep your hands warm
  10. 17. let's have a _________ fight!
  1. 1. Usually, there are only twenty _____ days in February
  2. 2. Winter ends in this month
  3. 3. You sometimes see this on cars and the ground in the morning
  4. 5. Winter starts in this month
  5. 7. if there's enough snow on the ground, you can build this
  6. 8. if it's cold enough, this will happen
  7. 9. The days during winter are _______
  8. 10. At night, you'll want to get under these to keep warm
  9. 15. It's this type of year if February has an extra day in it
  10. 16. Be sure to wear this on cold days