Winter Safety

  1. 4. In 2016 the amount of car accidents caused by snowy/cold conditions was:
  2. 5. Something you should never do to your brakes during the winter.
  3. 7. What is the most valuable tool when driving in the winter?
  4. 8. The term for following another vehicle too closely.
  5. 9. Something you should always have during the winter seasons, to help with icy windows.
  6. 10. An alternative to the answer of question three.
  7. 12. While most provinces have winter regulations, six of them do not.
  1. 1. In Canada, there is no legislation for winter road, instead there being a:
  2. 2. In the provinces that have regulations, the usual starting month is October. However, one province starts in November.
  3. 3. One of the heavily recommended items to put on your wheels.
  4. 6. One of the places most dangerous places on the road during winter.
  5. 9. An eight letter word for how you should drive during winter.
  6. 11. While all ice is dangerous, there is one type that can be the most dangerous.