Winter SOLs

  1. 3. You should go to the ______ when you get to school, during SOAR, or before testing starts.
  2. 6. Everything except your Chromebook and a book must be put in your backpack at the ______ of the room during testing.
  3. 8. Your goal on the Winter SOL is to get a _____ score than you did in the fall.
  4. 10. You may draw or ______ when you are done with your test.
  5. 13. Doing this thing during a test is a testing irregularity and may have to be reported to the state of Virginia.
  6. 14. These people must be notified if a phone or smart watch goes off or is visible during the test.
  7. 15. Teachers must follow this exactly during testing.
  8. 17. The Winter SOLs tell Mr. Olson, Dr. Lopes, and your teachers how much you have ______.
  9. 19. You may have water during testing, but not ______.
  10. 20. You may not ______ anything up to the screen or point at it during testing.
  11. 21. The Reading SOL is this day.
  1. 1. If you beat your fall score on the Reading SOL, you will get an ______ test score.
  2. 2. Your Chromebook must stay ______ after you finish testing.
  3. 4. Anything that has this on it should be removed from your Chromebook cover.
  4. 5. Teachers will probably check if you are wearing one of these and make you turn it off and put it away.
  5. 7. Make sure this app is working on your Chromebook before the end of class today.
  6. 9. If your Chromebook is not working properly, you should put your name on the ______ right now.
  7. 11. Your Chromebook should be fully ______ on the day of testing.
  8. 12. Students who ask to go to the bathroom during testing will have to ______ for an adult to come get them.
  9. 16. These must be turned off and put in your backpack or given to the teacher.
  10. 18. You ______ be allowed to leave the room for the first 20 minutes of testing.