Winter Solstice

  1. 4. when earth's orbit take it closest or farthest from the sun
  2. 6. Christians may honor this Apostle on December 21
  3. 7. Ancient Roman Winter Solstice festival
  4. 10. Sun directly over this parallel on December solstice
  5. 11. Wolf Moon is a name for the full moon this month
  6. 13. Sun directly over this parallel on June solstice
  7. 14. This event in March marks winter's end
  1. 1. describes wobble in earth's axis with period of 26,000 years
  2. 2. Latin term meaning 'the Sun stands still'
  3. 3. This 4-sided top is used for Hanukkah games
  4. 5. winter solstice was important to builders of this ring of stone
  5. 8. Long Nights Moon is one name for the full moon this month
  6. 9. The tilt in this determines summer and winter
  7. 12. This Feast was a pre-Christian solstice festival in Scandinavia