Winter Solstice

  1. 2. What used to be common during the first few months of winter?
  2. 5. A festival celebrated by the Ancient Romans
  3. 6. Latin word meaning "to stand still"
  4. 10. The winter solstice is the day of the year with the shortest period of _________.
  5. 11. The winter solstice can be a beautiful reminder that life is always changing and ________.
  6. 12. A festival observed by various Northern European groups at solstice time
  1. 1. Sharing food is a symbol of faith in the return of the sun and the _______.
  2. 3. The 21st of December marks the first day of which season?
  3. 4. An ancient group that celebrated solstice in Europe
  4. 7. A word that comes from two Latin words meaning "sun" and "to stand still"
  5. 8. A festival celebrated in Iranian culture on the solstice
  6. 9. A place where the sun can be seen directly between its main stones at sunrise on Winter Solstice