Winter Solstice Celebrations

  1. 4. Monument in Orkney, Scotland, aligned with the winter solstice sunset.
  2. 5. Ancient civilization known for its cultural influence and festivals like Saturnalia.
  3. 7. Viking celebration involving the most solemn sacrifice feast during Yule.
  4. 8. Persian version of an annual renewal festival with themes of temporary order subversion.
  5. 9. An ancient era when people were first farmers, closely tied to the seasons and harvest cycles.
  6. 12. Irish monument predating the pyramids, illuminated by the winter solstice sunrise.
  7. 13. Seafaring people from Scandinavia known for their exploration and raids.
  8. 16. Iranian observance during the winter solstice, marked by keeping vigil, fires, and poetry reading.
  9. 17. Common theme in various cultures during solstice celebrations, symbolizing new beginnings.
  1. 1. Pagan Scandinavian and Germanic celebration of the twelve-day midwinter holiday.
  2. 2. Greek festival similar to Saturnalia, celebrating the Golden Age ruled by Kronos.
  3. 3. Chinese celebration of "The Arrival of Winter," featuring a feast and winter activities.
  4. 6. Great Stone Age monument in England, aligned with the sunrise during the winter solstice.
  5. 8. Ancient Roman festival with continual partying, gift-giving, and carnival-like atmosphere.
  6. 10. Symbolic element during solstice celebrations, representing knowledge, truth, and the return of the sun.
  7. 11. Jewish festival tied to lunar and solar calendars, commemorating the Maccabees' victory.
  8. 14. Mesopotamian god celebrated during a 12-day festival of renewal to tame chaos.
  9. 15. Agricultural deity in Roman mythology, associated with the Golden Age.