Winter Solstice Holidays

  1. 2. East Asian winter festival
  2. 6. "Nights" of Christmas
  3. 7. Christian Saint (St) of children
  4. 9. Jewish rebellion, inspired Hannukah
  5. 13. Ritualistically burned on the hearth
  6. 14. Week-long African American holiday
  7. 15. Usually decorated and lit during Christmas
  8. 16. Seven-branched candleholder
  9. 17. The coldest and darkest season of the year
  10. 18. Popular holiday song
  11. 19. Figure who delivers gifts on Christmas
  1. 1. Scottish New Year
  2. 3. Nine-branched candelabrum of Hannukah
  3. 4. Christmas celebrates his birth
  4. 5. Pre-Christian Germanic festival
  5. 8. Ancient Roman festival
  6. 10. Horned figure of Alpine folklore
  7. 11. Given during many winter holidays
  8. 12. Commonly sung by choirs
  9. 18. Caribbean street festival