Winter Spelling Words

  1. 6. you do this on a frozen pond
  2. 7. keeps hands warm
  3. 8. hot chocolate
  4. 10. a downhill ride
  5. 12. gift
  6. 13. you can throw this
  7. 15. where you burn wood
  8. 16. turn liquid water to a solid
  9. 17. winter storm
  10. 19. one of the seasons
  11. 21. animal that lives in Canada
  1. 1. you can build this with enough snow
  2. 2. kind of cookie that can make a house
  3. 3. winter sport
  4. 4. first month of the year
  5. 5. wrap it around your neck to stay warm
  6. 9. hot apple juice
  7. 10. fall from the sky
  8. 11. Mr. Ball's birthday month
  9. 14. outside layer
  10. 18. hangs off the roof
  11. 20. protects your hearing thingies