Winter sports

  1. 3. a form of transport that has skis on the front and tracks on the back
  2. 6. A skating activity where you get a puck into a goal
  3. 7. an complicated ice sport from Canada
  4. 8. skating an activity where one goes really fats on skates
  5. 9. a sport where you go on two flat objects and you go from place to place to place on snow but there are no lifts involved
  6. 10. a sport where you go down mountains on a skateboard without wheels
  1. 1. a sport where one skis and then does target shooting
  2. 2. A sport where you go on two flat objects and dash down a mountain in the snow while standing on them
  3. 4. an activity where you go on skates and perform dance routines
  4. 5. An activity where you go on a flat object and dash down a hill