winter vocabulary

  1. 1. a figure of a person made of packed snow
  2. 3. a storm with widespread snowfall accompanied by strong winds
  3. 6. the sport of riding on a sled or sleigh
  4. 8. a garment worn around the head or neck for warmth
  5. 9. skintight knit hose covering the body from the waist to the feet
  6. 10. not permitting the passage of water
  1. 1. snow pressed into a ball for throwing
  2. 2. glove that encases the thumb separately and the other four fingers together
  3. 4. a mixture of rain and snow
  4. 5. clothing accessories designed to cover a person's ears for warmth
  5. 6. precipitation falling from clouds in the form of ice crystals
  6. 7. ice resembling a pendent spear, formed by the freezing of dripping water