Winter Walker Wedding

  1. 3. What was the name of the punk band Dev played in while in Highschool?
  2. 6. In what city was Dev born?
  3. 9. What is their cat's name?
  4. 10. What old school competitive sport did Kate's Mother win competitions in?
  5. 11. What is the motto of Kate's favorite college football team?
  6. 12. Which famous Canadian pop singer did Dev's father sing with at a wedding?
  7. 13. Which Star Wars female lead did Kate dress up as for the Episode III midnight premiere?
  8. 16. What reptilian animal is Kate deathly afraid of?
  1. 1. What is Kate's favorite guilty pleasure book series containing very pale teenagers?
  2. 2. Where did Kate go to college?
  3. 4. In what Northern Province did Dev volunteer as a camp counselor?
  4. 5. What is their favorite coffee & tea spot?
  5. 7. What Sci-Fi TV show did Dev appear on as a child actor?
  6. 8. On what bridge did Kate & Dev share their first kiss?
  7. 14. What is their new niece's name?
  8. 15. What is Kate's favorite food?