Winter Weather

  1. 1. This weather has to have 35 mph winds, low visibility, and lasts for 3 or more hours.
  2. 6. Temperature which air must be cooled to become saturated with water vapor
  3. 7. The amount of water that can be held in the air
  4. 10. Has various levels depending on amount of accumulation and wind
  5. 12. A air mass that is over the Artic that will "dip" down bringing extremely cold temperatures
  1. 2. Snow that falls near large bodies of water as a result of wind picking up more water
  2. 3. Can be defined by temperature, moisture, or pressure.
  3. 4. A snowstorm where there is a large amount of accumulation and wind
  4. 5. Any type of water that falls to the ground
  5. 8. snow lifted off the ground & moved by wind
  6. 9. The bodies of water near Wisconsin & Midwest that cause lots of Lake Effect Snow
  7. 11. A storm where rain freezes on its way to the ground and just small amounts can cause massive damage