Winter Weather

  1. 4. People light _____ to celebrate Hannukah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa.
  2. 5. Hanukkah is _____ days long.
  3. 8. Christmas is on the twenty-_____ of December.
  4. 9. Pieces of ice falling from the sky.
  5. 11. We use this to measure the temperature.
  6. 12. The pattern of weather in a certain place.
  7. 15. Three Kings' Day is on the _____ of January.
  8. 16. Water that falls to the earth in the form of rain, hail, mist, sleet, or snow.
  9. 17. Bright with sunshine
  10. 18. The top of a mountain freezes first because its temperature is______ than the lower ground.
  1. 1. What the atmosphere is like at a certain time and place.
  2. 2. Kwanzaa is ______ days long.
  3. 3. A storm with heavy snow, strong winds, and severe cold.
  4. 6. Ice becomes liquid water when it ____.
  5. 7. Water frozen into crystals in the clouds.
  6. 8. Liquid becomes ice when it _______.
  7. 10. This unit of measurement tells us how hot or cold it is outside.
  8. 13. Covered in snow.
  9. 14. On Three Kings' Day, children leave their _____ out.