Winter Weather Crossword

  1. 2. The "revolving door" prohibition prevents former public servants from making compensated appearences back at their former agency for this period of time after leaving City service.
  2. 8. Sorta like a gift, only you receive it for performing your official duties. And the limit on this is $0.
  3. 9. When you recognize a potential conflict of interest and notify your supervisor, we call this a X
  4. 10. Using the office copier to print out campaign fliers for your favorite political candidate would be a Misuse of X
  5. 11. When a supervisor asks a City subordinate to make a political contribution or to do any political activity, we call that Political X.
  6. 12. Public servants may not accept anything valued THIS MUCH or more from any person or firm that they know or should know is doing business or seeking to do business with the City.
  7. 13. Public servants may not accept anything from anyone other than the City for communicating with any City agency or for appearing anywhere on a City matter. But if the public servant is part-time, this restriction applies only to their X.
  8. 15. Someone who is not allowed to enter into any financial arrangement with their subordinates.
  9. 16. If you're doing this sort of outside work at a firm that does business with the city, you'll need a waiver from the Board.
  10. 17. Along with lawyers, are prohibited from acting against the city's interests in any lawsuit brought by or against the City.
  1. 1. Fancy legal term for when a public servant causes, or tries to cause, or helps another public servant violate Chapter 68.
  2. 3. This sort of unpaid work is generally acceptable without a waiver! Good for you!
  3. 4. A type of information that you cannot share! Private information!
  4. 5. When you recognize a potential conflict of interest and have your superviser reassign you to something else.
  5. 6. When one uses their power of their public position to obtain a private benefit, we call it as Misuse of X
  6. 7. How frequently X Y and Z must fill out their financial disclosure forms.
  7. 14. This sort of political activity occurs when a public servant tries to force, threaten, or promise something in return for a political contribution.