Winter Wonderland

  1. 4. over the fields we go, _______ all the way!
  2. 6. Seasonal Affective Disorder Awareness Month
  3. 8. cross between rain and snow
  4. 10. a mass of snow, ice, and rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside
  5. 11. where the cookie people live
  6. 13. an emotionally fragile person or a six-sided unique crystal
  7. 15. snow scooper
  8. 16. a drink with floating marshmallows
  1. 1. long sharp thing hanging from your roof
  2. 2. a house traditionally used by Inuits
  3. 3. Frosty is one!
  4. 5. ________ weather
  5. 7. a candy that looks like a hook
  6. 8. when sticks propel you through the snow
  7. 9. sit on this to let wolves pull you around
  8. 12. long accessory around your neck
  9. 14. ______ bite