Winter Wonderland Adjectives

  1. 1. Picturesque
  2. 3. Family entertainment
  3. 5. Lacking focus
  4. 6. Gilt ensign at sea, shimmering
  5. 10. Vague, ill-defined
  6. 11. Vague or fanciful
  7. 14. What the comic actors are doing in The Pack
  1. 1. Immaculate
  2. 2. Opposite of sad
  3. 4. Spellbound
  4. 5. Cold, unfriendly
  5. 7. Gorgeous
  6. 8. Cold and cheerless
  7. 9. Tranquil, calm
  8. 12. Like a charm
  9. 13. Culinary skill shown by family filling container