Winter Wonderland

  1. 3. slip on me and you will definitely feel the pain
  2. 4. I come in all styles & colors and covers your head
  3. 5. gliding on a slippery surface
  4. 8. what you feel like after being out in the cold
  5. 9. you will need me to move some snow
  6. 10. having fun on the slopes
  7. 12. round, hard and fierce
  1. 1. Frosty the ----
  2. 2. keeps your hands nice and warm
  3. 4. a cup of this warms you all over
  4. 6. we are all unique as we fall from the sky
  5. 7. slip them on to keep toes toasty
  6. 9. what we all wish for to have a "no school day!"
  7. 11. outside winter homes