  1. 2. Hanakkuah celebrates the miracle of ___.
  2. 4. Another name for presents.
  3. 7. This is hard to catch and each frosty one is different from the other.
  4. 9. An African American winter holiday to celebrate culture, strength and community.
  5. 10. A circle of greens that people hang to celebrate winter.
  6. 14. A red and white striped candy.
  7. 15. January 1.
  8. 16. A little top made of wood or clay. Jewish kids play this game during Hanukkuah
  1. 1. These people celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on December 25.
  2. 3. Children like to make this carrot-nose friend after a snow storm.
  3. 5. A Christmas character named after St. Nicolas.
  4. 6. Santa rides on this to deliver toys.
  5. 8. A christmas tree is this type of tree.
  6. 11. Some children hang these by the fire for Santa to leave them gifts.
  7. 12. These are real animals that don't actually fly. They pull Santa's sleigh.
  8. 13. The hours of sunlight do this from about June 21 to December 21.